Digital Transformation Services, What To Expect From The Same

Digital transformation is a buzzword which often generates enormous traction and sounds almost in every corner of the world. Perhaps, no one is discreet to describe the benefits and necessity of digitalization in all its epic proportion.
From the basic human rights like food and healthcare to augmented reality, it is clearly understood that digitalization is more than just a strategic exercise.
Digital transformation comes with its own challenges as well, as the world is changing dynamically, digitalization is taking top priority in an executive meeting. As per research report, more than 70% of companies are still untouched with the real potential of digital transformation and needless to mention a significant number of digital transformation project fails if it is not planned categorically to the business need. Falco Peregrinus leaves no stone unturned while addressing the dimension of the project and quantifying the exponential benefits of it.
What Does Digital Transformation Mean
At Falco Peregrinus, we fetch concepts from data and behavioural economics to redesign process in ingenious ways. Digital transformation primarily means to redefine the accessibility within company ecosystem. Whether it is customer interaction, requirement analysis, production planning, sales, billing, support or engagement model; data and stakeholders need to be accessible and automated. For next-generation business model through digitization can be achieved these lever:
- Digitizing customer experiences and day-to-day operation
- Streamline processes
- Business process outsourcing
- Provide intelligence to facilitate decisions
- Intelligent automation to replace human tasks
For Small and Medium Enterprises, lean process structure helps them streamline processes and foster culture of continuous improvement since their budget used to be an important factor in decision-making process. Whether digitization is for a small organization or large enterprise, there is no universal recipe for sequencing these levers because there are several variable factors involved. We do the systematic analysis to propose and execute one of the most challenging projects of digitization of organization’s legacy state and existing interconnections between customer-facing and internal processes.
Shape The Future Of Your Enterprise With Digital
To create and sustain a meaningful relationship in the digital era, strategic digital transformation with the future-proof solution is required. And that’s where Falco Peregrinus expertise comes into the picture. Our digital experience led transformation and acceleration approach will focus on the customer first rather than technology – and allow you to evaluate digital solution from their perspective. The digital experience led transformation and acceleration approach measures digital experiences to ensure they meet or exceed every expectation for true customer experience. As per research, we have found out, initial enthusiasm and backed by a high level of investment also, digital transformation fails. And post-diagnostic results show:
- Using traditional IT methodology for digital projects
- Lack of clarity on strategic objectives behind digital program
- Inability to engage a wider set of stakeholders
- Inside-out process definitions
- Missing change management
Customer Experience & Operational Efficiency As Key Outcome Of Digital Transformation
Customer experience is the very fabric of almost all industries. Personalized services, the focus of engagement, planned support and maintenance, letting user echo their voice etc are primarily a customer-centric approach. Trends are already in place where companies keep the customer in the centre before making even their expansion plan. They have more choices when it comes to accessing providers and they have information at their fingertips. Industries are expecting to see an increase in customer satisfaction because of digital transformation. And it’s important to understand that the future of digital transformation is going to be data and intelligence-driven to ensure its automated.

With investments being made in making communication easy, operational efficiency is not inevitable. Without proper planning and execution, the team and infrastructure to support such efficiency are bound to fail. With digital transformation, most of the operational work is going to shift into the customer domain. For an example, if we consider the banking sector- most of the operational work nowadays customer do by themselves. Therefore, industries need to develop a core infrastructure comparatively more innovative and efficient to stay ahead of the competition.
Business Will Turn Into Digital Business
We have been in this industry for more than 30 years and most of our team members have an experience of industry trends, what we found out is whether it’s a leather product manufacturing company or a software development, its tightly coupled with technological dependencies to the maximum extent to meet the business goal. We have come across with many organizations who still run their business on the traditional register, either they are exploring the technological advancement or they digital transformation project already in progress reason being every company faces a common digital imperative. At Falco Peregrinus, we empower business to harness the power of digital technologies to become more effective, innovative and disruptive.
Let’s solve the digital puzzle together is our motto for digital transformation and we believe in doing it together. Our extensive research shows- digital transformation challenges each company to revalidate the fundamental process and operation. To solve the many pieces of the digital puzzle in digital transformation, business needs a deep insight and experience on trends, and that’s where Falco Peregrinus add value.
Transparent And Data Based Operating Model
Digital transformation is going to make the business transparent and auditable at any point of time and essentially that is going to make business more agile for growth. From a customer point of view, since they expect more personalized services, digital transformation is going to make it transparent from a consumer perspective. From an employee perspective, digitization is going to make the required knowledge base and serviceable portal available at their fingertips. Digitization is going to bring a holistic approach and future roadmap bulletproof.
The next generation operating model for business is going to be digital if they need to increase the revenues, lower operating costs, and make customer delightful. While having a discussion with some of the most traditional business sectors, we realised that even they are open to being agile, quicker to react and more effective. As always they want to deliver great customer experience, take advantage of new technologies. The challenge is that most the business house trying to get better but poor execution invariably yields disappointing results.
Digitization is going to be one of the most strategic moves by private or public players for the next-generation business model. And digitization is going to play a pivotal role in the process and operational side both- The transformation won’t be a siloed effort, the full potential of digitization will come from combining operational-improvement efforts around customer facing and process-led parameters without compromising the simplicity. Falco Peregrinus can be your partner in the journey of transformation.