Category: HRMS

Why Is Embracing HRMS Crucial Even For Start-ups As Well As SMEs?

Human Resource management System(HRMS) is a software that combines a number of processes and resources to ensure the proper functioning and management of the human resources of an organization. Organizations use various functions of HRMS such as storing employee data, attendances, Task allocations, Hiring process details, leaves, payrolls,etc.


Competency Management | Why Organizations Need To Shift To Competency Management From Organizational Development Perspective

Competency Management is the process of listing, categorizing, developing and managing the skills possessed by the employees within an organization. In common day language, competencies are nothing but the behavior, skills, performance, etc.


A Paradigm Shift In Learning And Organization Development | Gamification

The sole objective of learning and organization development is to emphasize on the strategic learning and development through carefully crafted solutions enabling individual, teams and organizations to achieve measures beyond their limit.
